A picture book by Brian Wildsmith
Birds and birds and birds.
The 1960s saw a new riot of colour in the world of picture books.New printing methods arrived and Brian Wildsmith brought all the wonder of paint, and a painter’s skill, to making books for children.
A collective noun for pheasants?
A nye? Apparently it comes from Old French - a ni. Who knew? Useful 3 letters for Scrabble :)
And just take a look at these pheasant’s eyes.
Ink, paint and feathers
It was a very happy day the day I found an old copy of this delicious book.
Every single page is a frame-worthy beauty.
His illustration style was, and still is, completely his own.
A quote from Brian that says it all -
"Children are all-important, and so is art ... Art is food for the soul. And books are a child's first encounter with art so I felt it was a way I could make a contribution to the world. A drop in the ocean maybe, but picture books offered a chance to communicate the importance of things such as kindness, compassion, friendship and beauty."
Brian Wildsmith 1930 - 2016